General Commercial Litigation
Constantly challenging ourselves to deliver more to our clients
Commercial disputes can be a serious burden on any business or individual. Although the costs of litigation both as a plaintiff or defendant can be significant, many times businesses and individuals have no option but to take a firm stance to protect their rights and assets. At which time, civil litigation may become your or your business’ best or only viable alternative.
ALN Attorneys are prepared to provide you with representation on any commercial on business dispute whether you intend to assert rights as a plaintiff or protect them as a defendant.
Upon entering into an agreement for your representation, our attorneys will work diligently with you to understand your objectives from a legal and business perspective. ALN Attorneys strive to obtain a full understanding of the material facts leading to your commercial dispute. Subsequently, our Attorneys will analyze the body of laws relevant to the issues at hand including contracts, case law and codified laws. Once both material facts and the controlling laws are considered, legal theories and themes shall be developed to advance your case.
ALN Law works on a many different types of commercial disputes including: breach of contract claims, insurance claims, real estate litigation (e.g., matters related to leases or purchase and sale agreements), and others.
If you have any questions about this or any topic related hereto, please contact us immediately.
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